“Twins!”, as an exclamation, marks phenomena of doubles, counterparts, counterfeits and repetitions. “Twins!”, the book, is a meditation on a bendable, worded reality, as well as its nuanced grey-scale fabric, made of a multitude of layers & properties.

It is built from three threads of narrative:

  1. Encounter: describes personal encounters with patterns of two. Once started asking about Twins, their nature and symmetry, they appeared everywhere.
  2. Phenomenon: describes the linguistic geometry of the Twin and its translatability into visual patterns.
  3. Reaction: represents a reaction to the bendable nature of language, voiced by a Wolf.

This book is a study in the geometry of Twins. It examines and imitates their double patterns in visual and narrative form through an anxious wolf, the Queen of Clubs, an asterisk, the ship of Theseus, a theory on how to get lucky, questions of what happens when carriers lack meaning, what it means to have a home, and the nature of asking.

A second edition of this book is published by BookBoy* and can be ordered via mail ISBN 978-3-930194-27-8

Supervision: James Langdon, Rebecca Stephany and Anton Stuckardt