Ebru Inanc traveled for ten days outside of the touristic places of the city of Istanbul. In her own words, she got to know the “true face” of the city, and from it, a video collage was created, revealing a very personal impression of the current situation of the country. It focusses on the thoughts of the people she interviews; the taxi driver who had to cut his studies short out of family reasons, the engineer who comes from a small village but had obtained a scholarship in order to be able to study, the woman who is toying with the idea of leaving Istanbul but cannot bring herself to do it, the person who rents costumes, who can only relax when he leaves the city but returns anyway every morning.
Turkey finds itself currently in a foggy situation. Nobody knows exactly how it could have come to this, or if, when and how it should go on. The constant back and forth is mirrored not only in statements of the residents of Istanbul, but also in the image of the city. The build-ups, the density, and the frenzy of the city drives people to their limits and yet they cannot turn away from it. The standstill emerges as a recurring element of Inanc’s work. The future remains uncertain.

Prof. Anja Dorn, Prof. Andreas Müller, Prof. Heike Schuppelius